About Little Old Me!

so me…. I am 20 something living in London and love to travel. My second passion in life is food! I love cooking it and eating it and I am always on the look out for a new restaurant or receipe to try!

Having worked for one of the top adventure travel company in the UK for several years I have managed to tick off quite a few destinations but everyday that list seems to grow as I read about somewhere new… so basically I want to go everywhere! only a little ambitious right?

When I am not planning my next trip away I am usually in the kitchen making food of some sort. I am a feeder! I love to bake cakes and treats for friends and love having people around for dinner. I am constantly looking through recipe books and checking out new blogs to find inspiration on the next thing to cook. As much as I love sweet treats, making a big old pot of something savoury has its plus sides as well. So on my little old blog I will be posting a variety of dishes and treats that I have whipped up.

I also like to eat out a lot, so on occasion I will be sharing those experiences. I am not afraid to shame bad service but I know what hard work goes into running a restaurant or café so I don’t judge too harshly.

This blog is about me sharing my travel and food experiences, hopefully offering advice and inspiration.

15 thoughts on “About Little Old Me!

  1. I love your blog! I live in London too and by the sounds of it, you probably know some pretty sweet places around town… I’ve just started writing my own blog (love it if you could check it out!) about London so if you have any places that you think are worth a visit, please let me know!

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